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occupational outlook handbook ooh

Occupational Outlook Handbook Ooh - It looks like you are using Internet Explorer 11 or older. This site works well with modern browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Edge. If you continue with this browser, you may see unexpected results.

The Career Outlook Handbook is an excellent resource from the US Department of Labor. OOH provides information for students, researchers and career seekers. Career One Stop also provides excellent information. This guide will introduce these tools.

Occupational Outlook Handbook Ooh

Occupational Outlook Handbook Ooh

The Career Outlook Handbook provides information for job seekers navigating today's economy. Created by the US Department of Labor, OOH provides information about what workers are doing; work environment; education, training and other qualifications; payment; approach to work; similar businesses; and additional information sources. In fact, many library databases and resources use information from the Professional Perspective Handbook.

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When you have decided on a particular job, there is a variety of information to research. Look at the information available to help you find a job, using physical therapist as an example.

The tabs at the top of each job/career provide more information for your search. These tabs include information about what those working in those occupations do, the work environment, how to become one, salaries and wages, career outlook and specific information. Regions of the country, similar jobs, as well as professional and trade organizations for careers.

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